Create a new task in Task Builder
Make Sure to Select a Tool Weight, Gripper, and Pallet Workcell Item.
Make sure that the pallet that was previously created is enabled.
Go to Property and enable the Repeat Variable. gLoopCountRev
Set a Counter number or Infinite Loops
Lookup for Feeder Skill in the command section
Tap on the Pick Pallet and Place Pallet''' Feeder Skill
Pick Pallet and Place Pallet skills will show on the Task List
Tap on the skill that needs to be set with the variable
Tap on the Property Tab
Select the Repeat Condition Variable variable gLoopCountRev
Confirm the changes
Once both skills are set the will turn green.
Tap on the Play tab
Make sure that the Servo is ON in Status window
Play and run a simulation
Then enable Real Mode and Play it again
E-Stop the Robot if necessary to prevent collisions or if something goes wrong.
Almost done!
Finish Line